Learn and Teach
Utrecht, Netherlands
History and future perspectives of Robotic Surgery: my personal journey of 25 years
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Special Lecture: “Shaping the future of surgery with robotic systems in all operating rooms”
Rome - Italy, Italy
Keynote Lecture: “How to refine technical details in the construction of the PJ for difficult Pancreas”
Session: Biliary Focus - Expert Opinions on the Status of Incisional Approach for HPB Surgery:
What HPB Surgeries are Best Performed by the Robotic Approach in the 21st Century
Pisa, Italy
Lectio Magistralis:
"Il futuro della Chirurgia: prospettive, sfide e dilemmi"
Chicago, United States
Lecture: “The Safe Cholecystectomy”
Chicago, United States
Lecture: Surgical Procedures for Esophageal Disorders
Roma, Italy
“The present and future role of robotic surgery in modern organ transplantation”
Chicago, United States
SEAD Talk, (SITL) Surgical Innovation and Training Laboratory
Shanghai, China
Videoconference Lecture: Opening Speec
Videoconference Lecture: Robotic Surgery: Latest progress in HPB Surgery
Milan , Italy
Videoconference Lecture: “Master Reading: 25 Years of Robotic Surgery”
Terni, Italy
Videoconference Lecture:
“Pancreatic fistula post-duodenocephalopancreasectomy open, laparoscopic and robotic.
Prevention, diagnosis and treatment”
Chicago, United States
Course Director
Presentation - The Robotic Whipple Step by Step: Tips and Pitfalls
Paris, France
The history of robotic surgery predicting the future,
Murcia, Spain
History and Evolution of Robotic Surgery
Murcia, Spain
Standardization of pancreaticoduodenectomy throught robotic surgery,
Murcia, Spain
Robotic-Assisted Central Pancreatectomy
Murcia, Spain
The Future of pancreatic Robotic Surgery in the Era of Artificial Intellegence
Chicago, United States
Keynote Lecture
Chicago, United States
Invited Moderator: Abstract and video session: Vascular - Technological innovation - Organization/management
Chicago, United States
Invited Moderator Technological innovation in robotic surgery
Chicago, United States
Complex cases session
Chicago, United States
Abstract and video session: Vascular - Technological
Chicago, United States
Counterpoint Debate Pancreas Techniques: How I do the Pancreatico – Jejunostomy
Miami, United States
Trento, Italy
Virtual Presentation
Chicago, United States
Bombeck Lecture: Giant Paraoesophageal Hernias
Chicago, United States
Webinar, Chicago, IL
, United States
Key Note Speaker: “OR of the Future”
, United States
Roma, Italy
Lecture: “The Surgeon’s Ultimate Dream”
Roma, Italy
Lecture: “Thinking Out of the Box”
, United States
Invited Moderator
, United States
Lecture: “Advancements in Surgery at UI Health”
Virtual Meeting, United States
Videoconference Lecture: Fluorescence Based Mesenteric Dissection with Intracorporeal Robotic Preparation of the Proximal Colon in the Left Colectomy
, United States
Lecture: “History of Robotic Surgery”
Virtual Meeting, United States
Videoconference Lecture: “State of the Art of Robotics in General Surgery”
Virtual Meeting, United States
Keynote Lecture: “Robotics in GI Surgery: State of the Art”
, United States
Keynote Lecture: “Robotic Liver Surgery”
, United States
Lecture: “State of the Art and Future Perspective of Robotic Surgery”
Virtual Webinar, United States
Videoconference Lecture: “Standardization of Technique”
Chicago, Usa, United States
Course Director: Robotic Liver Resection Surgery Training Course
Virtual Webinar, United States
Videoconference Lecture: “Adhesions”
, United States
Keynote Faculty Speaker
, United States
Videoconference Lecture: “Surgical Treatment of Lymphedema”
Virtual Webinar, United States
Videoconference Lecture: “The Lecture: Giant Paraesophageal Hernias”
Virtual Webinar, United States
Lecture: “Challenging Diverticulitis”
Virtual Meeting, United States
Virtual Meeting, United States
Videoconference Lecture: “Advance Robotic HPB Surgery - Personal Experience”
, United States
Chicago, United States
Course Director: Surgical Innovation Training Laboratory
, United States
Lecture: “Clinical Applications of ICG Fluorescence in General Surgery”
Virtual Meeting, United States
Videoconference Lecture: “Whipple How I do it - 17 steps”
Virtual Meeting, United States
Videoconference Lecture: “Robotic distal pancreatectomy for tumors in the body and tail of the pancreas”
Virtual Meeting, United States
Videoconference Lecture: “Robotic Signoidectomies for Diverticular Disease”
Virtual Meeting, United States
Videoconference Keynote Lecture: “From the first steps to the frontiers of complex surgery”
, United States
Lecture: “UIC Curriculum in Robotic Training”
Virtual Meeting, United States
Videoconference Lecture: “History and Future Perspectives of Robotic Surgery: My Personal Journey of 20 Years”
Virtual Meeting, United States
Videoconference Lecture: “Applications of Robotic technology in general surgery”
Virtual Meeting, United States
Videoconference Lecture: “Current Issues of Endocrinology and Endocrine Surgery”
Virtual Meeting, United States
Videoconference Lecture: “Updates in Robotic Technology and Advance Clinical Applications”
Virtual Meeting, United States
Videoconference Lecture: “SP Training: Importance of a Good Lab”
Virtual Meeting, United States
Videoconference Keynote Lecture: “Future Perspectives of Robotic Surgery”
Qingdao, China – Virtual Conference, China
Videoconference Lecture: “Gastrointestinal Robotic Surgery”
Virtual Webinar, United States
Videoconference Lecture: “A Biased Vision”
Virtual Conference, United States
Videoconference Lecture: “My Journey with Robotics and Robotic Surgery”
Virtual Webinar, United States
Videoconference Lecture: “Priorities from My Surgical Perspective”
Virtual Webinar, United States
Videoconference Lecture: “Updates in Robotic Surgery: HPB Management of Biliary Injury”
Rome, Italy – Virtual Meeting, Italy
Videoconference Lecture: “COVID-19 and Surgery: The U.S. Perspective”
Chicago, IL, United States
Lecture: “Advances in Robotic Technology
Miami, FL, United States
Lecture: “Robotic HPB Surgery”
Durham, NC, United States
Debate: “Controversies and Perspectives of AI and Automation in Surgery or is Autonomous Action Part of Intuitive Plan for Future Systems?” (Discussants: Lawrence Carin, Tim Fielding, Konstantinos Konstantinidis, Rick Stevens)
Durham, NC, United States
Lecture: “Robotic Multiorgan Resection for Neuroendocrine Pancreatic Cancer”
Durham, NC, United States
Lecture: “Right Hepatectomy Complicated by Right Hepatic Vein Bleeding and CO2 Embolism”
Durham, NC, United States
Lecture: “Completion Gastrectomy for Gastric Cancer 10 Years after Partial Gastrectomy with Billroth II Reconstruction”
Durham, NC, United States
Lecture: “Iatrogenic Biliary Injuries”
Durham, NC, United States
Lecture: “Face-to-Face Debate: How I Do a Right Hepatectomy” (with Dr. Chung-Ngai Tang)
Durham, NC, United States
Lecture: “Face-to-Face Debate: How I Do a Right Hepatectomy” (with Dr. Chung-Ngai Tang)
Durham, NC, United States
Chairmen: “HPB Pancreas Session”
Durham, NC, United States
Lecture: “Tips and Tricks in Robotic Pancreatic Surgery”
Grosseto, Italy
Videoconference: “Basic Concepts in Robotic Surgery (Triangulation, Priorities, Exposure, Tools, Injuries, Prevention, Strategies, Troubleshooting)”
Chicago, IL, United States
Keynote Lecture: “Robotic Surgery: Clinical Practice, Training and Research”
Barretos, Brazil
Videoconference: “Robotic HPB Surgery”
Grosseto, Italy
Lecture: “Tips and Tricks in Colorectal Surgery”
Grosseto, Italy
Live Surgery: “Low Anterior Resection”
Grosseto, Italy
Live Case Presentation: “Hepatobiliary Surgery”
Grosseto, Italy
Lecture: “How I Do It, Step by Step: Left Hepatectomy”
Grosseto, Italy
Live Case Presentation: “Hepatobiliary Surgery”
Grosseto, Italy
Lecture: “Management of Complications”
Grosseto, Italy
Live Surgery: “Nissen Procedure for Iatal Hernia”
Grosseto, Italy
Lecture: “How I Do It, Step by Step: Right Hepatectomy”
Grosseto, Italy
Live Case Presentation: “Gastrectomy”
Grosseto, Italy
Lecture: “How I Do It, Step by Step: Robotic Gastrectomy with D2 Lymphadenectomy”
Grosseto, Italy
Lecture: “How I Do It, Step by Step: Right Hepatectomy”
Orlando, FL, United States
Lecture: “The Standardized Technique for the Robotic Whipple”
Orlando, FL, United States
Lecture: “Video: Treatment of Gigantic Leyomioma of the Distal Esophagus”
Orlando, FL, United States
Lecture: “Video: Robotic Puestow Procedure”
Orlando, FL, United States
Lecture: “Video: Robotic Resection of the Caudate Lobe”
Chicago, IL, United States
Lecture: “Robotic ‘Floppy’ Nissen Fundoplication”
Chicago, IL, United States
Lecture: “Is Robotics the Future of Liver Surgery for Metastatic Disease?”
Chicago, IL, United States
Panel Discussion: “Technical Difficulties in the Treatment of Liver Metasteses”
Chicago, IL, United States
Case Presentation: “Treatment Decisions for Liver Metasteses”
Beijing, China
Lecture: “Robotic Surgery and the Future of Surgery: Robotic and Artificial Intelligence”
Beijing, China
Lecture: “Cost, Organization, Troubleshooting and Management of Intra-Operative Complications”
Beijing, China
Lecture: “Updates on Advanced Programs in Robotic Surgery”
Wuhan, China
Lecture: “HPB Robotic Surgery”
Qingdao, China
Lecture: “Robotic Surgery and the Future of Surgery: Robotic and Artificial Intelligence”
Qingdao, China
Lecture: “HPB Robotic Surgery”
Chicago, IL, United States
Lecture: “Surgical Innovation: Leaps and Bounds or Baby Steps?”
Beijing, China
Videoconference: “Robotic HPB Surgery”
Evanston, IL, United States
Lecture: “Surgical Robotics”
Chicago, IL, United States
Lecture: “My 20-Year Journey of Robotic Surgery”
Grosseto, Italy
Lecture: “Pancreatic & Liver Surgery” (Clinical Case Presentation – Live or Virtual Surgery)
Lecture: “10 Years Experience in Pancreatic Surgery”
Lecture: “Pancreatic & Liver Surgery” (Clinical Case Presentation – Live or Virtual Surgery)
Lecture: “Advanced Hepatic Robotic Surgery”
Lecture: “Relevant Laparoscopic Anatomy for Robotic Colorectal Surgery”
Lecture: “Colorectal Surgery” (Clinical Case Presentation – Liver or Virtual Surgery)
Rome, Italy
Videoconference: “The Evolution of Technology in Surgery”
Hong Kong, China
Lecture: “Iatrogenic Biliary Injury Repair”
Hong Kong, China
Keynote Lecture: “My 20-Year Journey of Robotic Surgery”
Hong Kong, China
Debate: “Is Robotic Hepatectomy Better Than Laparoscopic Hepatectomy?”
Milan, Italy
Videoconference: “Robotic Surgery: From the First Steps to the Latest Frontiers”
Grosseto, Italy
Videoconference: “Robotic Abdominal Wall Surgery”
Siena, Italy
Videoconference: “Why Telerobotic-Assisted Surgery Will Be The Future”
Geneva, Swaziland
Debate Speaker: “Will Robotics Replace Laparoscopic Liver Surgery” – “Pro” Side of Debate
Matera, Italy
Lecture: “Lessons Learned in Robotic HPB Surgery: Potential Applications in the Setting of Living Donor Liver Transplantation”
Grosseto, Italy
Live Surgery: “Live Surgery – Robotic Rectal Anterior Resection”
Grosseto, Italy
Chairman: “Live Surgery – Right Colectomy”
Chicago, IL, United States
Lecture: “Robotic Sugery for Liver and Pancreas Cancers: State of the Art”
Chicago, IL, United States
Lecture: “Robotic Surgery in the Treatment of Inguinal and Abdominal Wall Hernias: Standard Treatment for the Future?”
Chicago, IL, United States
Lecture: “New Concepts in the Repair of Bile Duct Injuries”
Beijing, China, China
Beijing, China, China
Kunming, Yunnan Province, China, China
Barretos, Brazil, Brazil
Videoconference: “Robotics & Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Surgery”
Chicago, United States
Milan, Italy
Daegu, South Korea
Chicago, United States
Chicago, Italy
Pisa, Italy
Grosseto, Italy
Grosseto, Italy
Grosseto, Italy
Qingdao, China
Beijing, China
Beijing, China
Barretos, Brazil
Chicago, United States
Sao Paulo, Brazil
Grosseto, Italy
Kashiwaza, Japan
Cincinnati, Italy
Shanghai, China
New York, United States
Lecture: Robotic Liver Surgery
Beijing, China
Grosseto, Italy
Barretos, Brazil
Barretos, Brazil
Potenza, Italy
Arezzo, Italy
Strasbourg, France
Detroit, United States
Roma, Italy
Grosseto, Italy
Lecture: 10 Years Experience in Pancreatic Surgery
Lecture: Advanced Hepatic Robotic Surgery
Lecture: Relevant Laparoscopic Anatomy for Robotic Colorectal Surgery
Lecture: Tips and Tricks in Colorectal Robotic Surgery
Hong Kong, China
Lecture: The Robotic Whipple – A New Approach for An Old Problem?
Lecture: Advanced Robotic HPB Surgery – Present and Future Perspectives
Chicago, United States
Chair: Complex Cases, Tips and Tricks
Lecture: "Caval Bleeding during Left Hepatectomy"
Lecture: "15-Year Experience of Advanced Robotic Surgery"
Lecture: "Robotic Radical Dissection of the Uncinate Process" Panel Discussion: The Future of MIS Pancreatectomy: Robotic or Laparoscopic? Which Technology is More Easily Adopted? Which Technology will be Most Cost Effective? - H Zeh, J Moser, H Asbun, M Kendrick, F Vistoli, PC Giulianotti
Video: Robotic Hybrid Technique for Difficult Right Hepatectomy - R Gonzalez-Heredia, FM Bianco, A Chokechavachaisakul, D Daskalaki, K Patton, M Rashdan, PC Giulianotti
Video: The Impossible Gallbladder: When The Robot can Justify its Role - D Daskalaki, K Patton, M Masrur, M Rashdan, FM Bianco, PC Giulianotti
Video: Robotic Pancreaticoduodenectomy with Preservation of Totally Replaced Right Hepatic Artery coming from the Superior Mesenteric Artery - JH Kim, D Daskalaki, M Rashdan, M Masrur, PC Giulianotti
Video: Technical Strategies to Decrease Blood Loss in Robotic Distal Spleno-Pancreatectomy with Left Side Portal Hypertension - M Rashdan, PC Giulianotti, D Daskalaki, FM Bianco, M Masrur, K Patton
Video: Bleeding Control from Inferior Pancreaticoduodenal Artery during Robot-Assisted Laparoscopic Pylorus Preserving Pancreatoduodenectomy - LF Gonzalez-Ciccarelli, FM Bianco, M Masrur, PC Giulianotti
Video: Robotic Transthoracic Esophageal Diverticulectomy and Myotomy for Giant Epiphrenic Diverticulum - Y Collin, D Daskalaki, LF Gonzalez-Ciccarelli, S Durgam, M Rashdan, R Gonzalez- Heredia, K Patton, M Masrur, FM Bianco, PC Giulianotti
Video: Robotic Anatomic Dissection of the Lower Left Fissure (Lower Left Lung Lobectomy) - Y Collin, D Daskalaki, LF Gonzalez-Ciccarelli, S Durgam, M Rashdan, R Gonzalez-Heredia, K Patton, M Masrur, FM Bianco, PC Giulianotti
Video: Robot-Assisted Total Esophagectomy in Emergency for Acute Extensive Esophageal Necrosis after Caustic Ingestion - M Masrur, LF Gonzalez-Ciccarelli, PC Giulianotti
Video: Robotic Heller Myotomy after Laparoscopic Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass - LF Gonzalez-Ciccarelli, M Masrur, PC Giulianotti
Video: De Novo Gastric Cancer after Sleeve Gastrectomy - M Masrur, LF Gonzalez-Ciccarelli, PC Giulianotti
Video: Robotic Splenectomy for Abscess in A Bulky Spleen - M Rashdan, PC Giulianotti, Y Collin, D Daskalaki, K Patton, M Masrur, FM Bianco
Video: Robot Assisted Resection of A Paracaval Mass - K Patton, S Durgam, D Daskalaki, M Rashdan, M Masrur, FM Bianco, PC Giulianotti
Video: Transaxillary Approach for A Retrosternal Parathyroid Adenoma - D Daskalaki, K Patton, M Masrur, M Rashdan, R Gonzalez-Heredia, FM Bianco, PC Giulianotti
Video: Robotic Extended Right Colectomy for Adenocarcinoma and Intra-Operative ICG Use for Vascularization Evaluation - Y Collin, D Daskalaki, LF Gonzalez-Ciccarelli, S Durgam, M Rashdan, R Gonzalez-Heredia, K Patton, M Masrur, FM Bianco, PC Giulianotti
Video: Robotic Redo Rectal Resection with Total Mesorectal Excision and Ultralow Colorectal Anastomosis for Recurrence of Rectal Cancer – L Milone, D Daskalaki, K Patton, M Masrur, M Rashdan, FM Bianco, PC Giulianotti
Video: When Complicated Diverticulitis makes Minimally-Invasive Sigmoid Resection A Very Complex Procedure – M Rashdan, Y Collin, K Patton, M Masrur, FM Bianco, K Hoyert, PC Giulianotti
Video: Robot-Assisted Resection of GIST Recurrence involving The Distal Duodenum – R Gonzalez- Heredia, FM Bianco, D Daskalaki, LF Gonzalez-Ciccarelli, S Durgam, M Rashdan, Y Collin, K Patton, PC Giulianotti
Poster: Surgical Simulation and Training: Does Musical Instrument Experience Correlates with Higher Performance on The Robot Simulator? – A Gangemi, LF Gonzalez-Ciccarelli, R Gonzalez-Heredia, J Butts, PC Giulianotti
Fuzhou, Japan
State of the Art Lecture: New Era for Robotic HPB Surgery
Lecture: Evolution in Minimally Invasive HPB Surgery
Kobe, Japan
International Debate Session Lecture: Liver Surgery: Robotic or Laparoscopic?
Chicago, United States
Chicago, United States
Zhejiang, China
Jiangxi, China
Beijing, China
Beijing, China
Beijing, China
Barretos, Brazil
Hong Kong, China
Hong Kong, United States
03-20-2015 | Keynote Lecture: Advances and Future Development of Robotic Surgery by Pier C. Giulianotti
Miami Beach, Florida, United States
Chicago, Illinois, United States
Grosseto, Italy
Lecture: 10 Years Experience in Pancreatic Surgery
Lecture: Advanced Hepatic Robotic Surgery
Lecture: Relevant Laparoscopic Anatomy for Robotic Colorectal Surgery
Lecture: Tips and Tricks in Colorectal Robotic Surgery
Taiwan, Japan
San Francisco, California, United States
Chicago, United States
Lecture: How to increase radicality for cancer
Lecture: When the robot makes the difference
Chairman: Complex Surgery and Complex Situation
Lecture: Impossible adhesions: what to do
Chairman: Introduction to Program of the Centre of Excellence
Sunnyvale, California, United States
Chicago, Illinois, United States
Chicago, Illinois, United States
Strasbourg, France
Chicago, Illinois, United States
Lecture: The Minimally Invasive Whipple: Controversies and Real Facts
Hackensack, New Jersey, United States
Strasbourg, France
Chicago, Illinois, United States
Lisboa, Portugal
Lecture: Hepatic Ressection – Where we are, how far can we go
Rome, Italy
Rome, Italy
Lisbona, Portugal
Session Title: Hepatobiliopancreatic Surgery
Lecture: Robotic HPB Surgery – An Overview
Lecture: Hepatic Resection – Where We Are, How Far Can We Go?
Hong Kong, China
Lecture: State of the art in robotic pancreatic surgery
Grosseto, Italy
Lecture: Relevant Laparoscopic Anatomy
Lecture: 10 Years Experience in Pancreatic Surgery
Live surgery: Advanced Hepatic Robotic Surgery
Lecture: Relevant Laparoscopic Anatomy for Robotic Colorectal Surgery
Lecture: Tips and tricks in Colorectal Robotic Surgery
Changhua County, Taiwan
Chicago, Illinois, United States
Lecture: Advances in Robotic Surgery: single port, imaging, instrumentation
Cheongiu, South Korea
Panelist: When I hesitate, MIS in HPB patients
Chairman: Pancreatic Resection
Washington, United States
Lecture: Experience and dV value in complex cancer operations, including the use of Firefly
Lecture: Booth presentation - Firefly Fluorescence Imaging: Will it become standard of care for complex cancer surgery
Video Presentation: Controversial Cases in General Surgery
Oral Presentation: Colon Resection
Washington, United States
Lecture: Robotic pancreatic Surgery debate: expert’s corner – chair
Lecture: Whipple: reconstruction
Lecture: The ICG Fluorescence in HPB surgery
Grosseto, Italy
Lecture: Relevant Laparoscopic Anatomy
Lecture: 10 Years Experience in Pancreatic Surgery
Live surgery: Advanced Hepatic Robotic Surgery
Lecture: Relevant Laparoscopic Anatomy for Robotic Colorectal Surgery
Lecture: Tips and tricks in Colorectal Robotic Surgery
Grosseto, Italy
Lecture: Relevant Laparoscopic anatomy for Robotic Upper GI Surgery
Lecture: Tips and Triks for Upper GI Robotic Surgery
Live surgery: Robotic heller myotomy for Achalasoa
Live surgery: Robotic hepatic Bi-segmentectomy
Lecture: Advanced Hepatic Robotic Surgery/ Tips and triks
Live surgery: Robotic pancreatoduodenectomy
Lecture: Pancreatic surgry: comparative experiences
Lecture: Robotic Thyroid Surgery: the creation of the perfect tunnel/ retraction/ exposure
Live surgery: Robotic transaxillary parathayrodectomy
video presentation: Extended radical adrenalectomy for adrenal cancer –
Chicago, Illinois, United States
Phoenix, Arizona, United States
Orlando, Florida, United States
Chicago, Illinois, United States
Cleveland, United States
Hong Kong, China
Chicago, Illinois, United States
Grosseto, Italy
Lecture: Relevant Laparoscopic Anatomy
Lecture: 10 Years Experience in Pancreatic Surgery
Live surgery: Advanced Hepatic Robotic Surgery
Lecture: Relevant Laparoscopic Anatomy for Robotic Colorectal Surgery
Lecture: Tips and tricks in Colorectal Robotic Surgery
Chicago, Illinois, United States
Chicago, Illinois, United States
Lecture: Robotic pancreatic Surgery
Daegu, South Korea
Chairman: Live Surgery: Robotic right hemicolectomy/ Laparoscopic Transverse colectomy
Kyoto, Japan
Chicago, Illinois, United States
Lecture: Fluorescence in Surgery
Presentation: Da Vinci Single Site Cholecystectomy, and applications of Firefly in key HPB procedures
Lecture: Surgical Management of Carcinoid and Neuroendocrine Tumors – Robotic approaches
Chairman: Robotic Pelvic Surgery Session – chair
Lecture: Basic Concepts of Robotics in Pelvic Surgery
Chicago, Illinois, United States
Lecture: ICG Fluorescence in general and hepatobiliary surgery
Hong Kong, China
Lecture: A decade of experience with robotic Whipple's operation - evolution of the technique and results
Live surgery: Robotic distal pancreatectomy
New York, United States
Chicago, Illinois, United States
San Diego, California, United States
Oroctaw, Poland
Petah Tikva, Israel
Hong Kong, China
Houston, Texas, United States
Lecture: Robotic Surgery for neuroendocrine Liver Metasteses
Lecture: Difficult right renal aneurysm
San Francisco, California, United States
Oak Brook, Illinois, United States
Chicago, Illinois, United States
Sao Paolo, Brazil
Lecture: The future of robotic surgery
Lecture: Experiences in robotic surgery at The University of Illinois at Chicago
Lecture: Hepatic transplantation and robotic surgery
Lecture: Hepatic and Biliary Tumors – robotic cases
Lecture: Esophageal and gastric tumors – robotic treatment
Lecture: Robotic Retosigmoidectomy, Hybrid technique, totally robotic and routes of access and resection
Rome, United States
Lecture: Robot and coloproctology, Evidence in the advantages: a great experience
Chicago, Illinois, United States
Athens, Greece
Orlando, Florida, United States
Lecture: Right hepatectomy – step by step
Lecture: Robot assisted Left segments
Phoenix, Arizona, United States
Lecture: Robotic Pancreatic Surgery
Kyushu, Japan
Arezzo, Italy
Shanghai, China
Shanghai, China
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States
Cernobbio, Italy
Changhua County, Taiwan
Lecture: Surgical tricks: spleen preserving robotic distal pancreatectomy
Lecture: Laparoscopic enucleation and distal pancreatectomy
Lecture: Spleen preserving robotic distal pancreatectomy
Chicago, Illinois, United States
Live Surgery: Redo Surgery (Hepatico-Jejunostomy)
Chicago, Illinois, United States
Chicago, Illinois, United States
Baltimore, Maryland, United States
Celebration, Florida, United States
Lecture: Robotic Whipple: The Way I do it
Live surgery: Robotic Liver Surgery
Chicago, Illinois, United States
London, United Kingdom
Scotsdale, Arizona, United States
Chicago, Illinois, United States
Lecture: OR of the future: brain storming session: The end of an old project
Live surgery: Robotic living donor hepatectomy
Lecture: Parallel video presentation: Whipple step by step [Port setting-Kocker Maneuver, Hepatic Hylum, Treitz, Pancreatic neck, Uncinate process, reconstruction]
Lecture: How I do it: Robotic Right Hepatectomy
Chicago, Illinois, United States
Chicago, Illinois, United States
Chicago, Illinois, United States
Siena, Italy
Chicago, Illinois, United States
Chicago, Illinois, United States
Rome, Italy
Phoenix, Arizona, United States
Poster presentation: Laparoscopic Robotic Assisted Pancreatic Cystgastrostomy: Surgical technique and short term outcomes
Poster presentation: Laparoscopic Robotic Assisted Distal Pancreatectomy in an HIV patient with Mucinous Cystic Neoplasm with Ovarian Struma: A case report
Poster presentation: Anterior Minithoracotomy as a Safety Measure in Robotic Lung Resection
Hong Kong, China
Lecture: Robotic Hepatobiliary Surgery – Better than Laparoscopy?
Video Presentation: Robotic Hepatobiliary Surgery
Lecture: Current status of robotic hepatobiliary oncology
Lecture: Minimally Invasive Surgery for Tumors of the Pancreas: Is the robot the answer?
Chicago, Illinois, United States
Chicago, Illinois, United States
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Lecture: The most advanced application of Robotics in General Surgery
Rome, Italy
Chicago, Illinois, United States
Seoul, South Korea
Grosseto, Italy
Guest speaker: Guest speaker and instructor, hands on robotic advance training animal lab
Organizer: Advance Robotic Colorectal Course: International School of Robotic Surger
Sorrento, Italy
Video Presentation: Living donor right Nephrectomy
Stockholm, Sweden
Chicago, Illinois, United States
Chicago, Illinois, United States
Chicago, Illinois, United States
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
Lecture: Robotic Pancreatic surgery: A single institution experience
Lecture: Robotic HPB Surgery
Chicago, Illinois, United States
Chicago, Illinois, United States
Chicago, Illinois, United States
Rome, Italy
Lecture: Robotic colon-rectal surgery: review of our experience and possible indication for robotic procedure in colorectal surgery
Lecture: Robotic assisted Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy
Lecture: Robotic assisted minimally invasive surgery can assist intestinal suturing and allo maintenance of lower intra-abdominal CO2 pressure?
Lecture: Robotic assisted renovascular surgery
Lecture: Does Robotic assistance increase the percentage of spleen preservation in minimally invasive distal pancreatectomy?
Lecture: Technique of Major robotic liver resections
Lecture: Robotic Pancreatectomy for Pancreatic Cancer: Short term follow-up
Lecture: Robotic Assistance for Upper Lobectomies: The Right Answer to a Difficult Challenge
Chicago, Illinois, United States
Chicago, Illinois, United States
Chicago, Illinois, United States
Chicago, Illinois, United States
New Orleans, Louisiana, United States
Video Presentation: Robotic right upper lobe lung resection
Video Presentation: Robotic multiorgan resection
Chicago, Illinois, United States
Athens, Greece
Chicago, Illinois, United States
Hamburg, Germany
Innsbruk, Austria
Kolkata, India
Innsbruck, Austria
Bologna, Italy
Paris, France
Galicia, Spain
Hamburg, Germany
Pisa, Italy
Lecture: Vantaggi del robot nella chirurgia gastrica
San Diego, California, United States
Strasbourg, France
Lecture: Standardization of port placement (2 triangles, 2 positions) for rectal resections
Lecture: New technologies in Colorectal Surgery: Robotics
Strasbourg, France
Naples, Italy
Rome, Italy
Live surgery in Videoconference: Laparoscopic colo-rectal resection
Venice, Italy
Lecture: Is robotic support expanding the reach of endoscopic surgery?
Lecture: How I do it: Robotic suturing
Montecatini, Italy
Round Table: Come e quando operare il cancro del.
Chairman: Innovare conservando
Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Chairman: The Robotic DCP
Strasbourg, France
Lecture: Spleen preserving robotic distal pancreatectomy for insulinoma
Lecture: New technology in endocrine surgery
Lecture: Robotic assistance for laparoscopic pancreatectomy
Naples, Italy
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, United States
Dallas, Texas, United States
Chicago, Illinois, United States
Hamburg, Germany
London, United Kingdom
Forlì, Italy
Live Surgery: Robotic Left Inferior lobectomy
Naples, Italy
Videoconference Lecture: Laparoscopic right colectomy
San Gimignano, Italy
St. Vincent, Aosta, Italy
Lecture: Il ruolo della robotica in Chirurgia pancreatica
Nordestedt,, Germany
Lecture: Rectal resection for cancer
Venice, Italy
Utrecht, Netherlands
Innsbruck, Austria
Leeuwarden, Netherlands
Leeuwarden, Netherlands
Leeuwarden, Netherlands
Bordeaux, France
Live surgery in Videoconference: Robotic Assisted Left Pancratectomy
Rome, Italy
New Orleans, Louisiana, United States
Lecture: Robotic gastric resections
Video Presentation: Robotic Left Hepatectomy
Chicago, Illinois, United States
Lecture: Robotic and Laparoscopic approach
Lecture: Robotics and miscellaneous
Video Presentation: Solid organ resection
Video Presentation: Ventral hernia repair
Hamburg, Germany
Paris, France
Naples, Italy
Video Presentation: Aneurismectomia dell’arteria renale destra e microricostruzione robotica
Modena, Italy
Modena, Italy
Live surgery: Gastroentero laparoscopico
Palermo, Italy
Denver, Colorado, United States
Lecture: Minimally-invasive Pancreatic Surgery
Denver, Colorado, United States
Lecture: Minimally-invasive Pancreatic Surgery
Bolzano, Italy
Video Presentation: Aneurismectomia dell’arteria renale destra e microricostruzione robotica
Hamburg, Germany
Hamburg, Germany
Firenze, Italy
Discussant: Chirurgia del tratto digestivo superiore
Alessandria, Italy
Hamburg, Germany
Hamburg, Germany
Hamburg, Germany
Sunnyvale, San Francisco California, United States
San Francisco California, United States
Chicago, Illinois, United States
Videos presentation: Full Robotic Duodenopancreatectomy
Valladolid, Spain
Lecture: Esperienza in Chirurgia Generale con il Robot da Vinci
Naples, Italy
Sorrento, Italy
Lecture: Le tecniche chirurgiche nelle resezioni del pancreas cefalico
Paris, France
Videoconference, Lecture: Robotics and Operating Room Integrative Systems
Live surgery: Robotic Nissen Fundoplication
Savona, Italy
Lecture: Nuovi orizzonti e vecchi confini della Chirurgia dei Tumori Gastroenterici
Giardini Naxos, Taormina, Italy
Berlin, Georgia
Campobasso, Italy
Cosenza, Italy
Parma, Italy
Rome, Italy
San Francisco, California, United States
Manchester, United Kingdom
Utrecht, Netherlands
Rome, Italy
Aosta, Italy
Macerata, United States
Naples, Italy
New York, United States
Brugge, Belgium
Firenze, Italy
Lecture: Resezione gastrica subtotale con linfectomia - accesso robotico
Rome, Italy
Monfalcone, Italy
Naples, Italy
Bologna, Italy
Video presentation: Duodenocefalopancreasectoimia Robotica
Bordeaux, France
Bordeaux, France
New Orleans, Louisiana, United States
Urbino, Italy
Grosseto, Italy
Modena, Italy
Utrecht, Netherlands
St. Louis, Missouri, United States
Bergamo, Italy
Naples, Italy
Rome, Italy
Rome, Italy
Grosseto, Italy
Rome,, Italy